Les meilleurs fruits pour votre régime contre la goutte
Fruits play an important role in a healthy gout diet. They possess powerful vitamins, minerals, and plant chemicals which may help fight symptoms and conditions related to gout. However, not all fruits were made equal. Some are good at preventing symptoms while others can actually trigger it.
As you transition into a lifestyle of managing your gout, it’s essential that you know how to choose the best fruits that work best with your condition. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at fruits, how they help with gout, and the best and worst fruits for gout.
La fibre dans les fruits
Fruits are best known for their fiber content. Having trouble in the toilet? Just eat a piece of fruit and that should help keep things moving down there. Fiber is not only good for your stool but it’s also low in calories and helps you feel full longer. This helps you maintain a healthy weight and prevents binge eating which can lead to diabetes and obesity, which are risk factors to gout.
The right type of fiber can even slow sugar absorption allowing you to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. So, the next time you feel hungry or are craving for something sweet, just grab a piece of fruit. They’re delicious and very satiating!
Just remember that you can’t increase your fiber intake rapidly. If you’re used to having a low-fiber diet, you should gradually do it as a significant increase in a short amount of time can lead to gas, bloating, and cramping. Also make sure that you are drinking enough water with your fruits to help the body absorb fiber better.
Les phytonutriments dans les fruits
Outre les fibres, les fruits sont également riches en phytonutriments. La consommation régulière de ces composés a été associée à un risque plus faible de développer des maladies chroniques et des cancers. Certains fruits tels que les myrtilles et les mûres contiennent des milliers de différents phytonutriments qui luttent contre diverses menaces dans votre corps, dont certaines dont vous pourriez ne même pas être conscient !
Let’s be thankful that fruits are not only delicious, but also a powerful ally in fighting common diseases that plague humans today. Now that you know the main benefit of fruit, it’s time to look into the kinds of best fruits that help with gout.
Les cerises sont les meilleurs fruits à manger pour la goutte. It may help reduce uric acid and limit inflammation thanks to its high vitamin C content and anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. They’re best consumed in their natural form. But you can also get the canned cherries, dried cherries, and cherry juices. However, be vigilant and always look at the label making sure they aren’t laced with sugars.
You can also take cherries in pill form as a dietary supplement. It’s simply a powerful fruit that aids those with problems in their joints and belongs in a gout diet.
Les baies
Bonne nouvelle ! Vous pouvez inclure toutes sortes de baies dans votre alimentation whether it’s strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, acai berries, or goji berries. They’re low purines and each type of berry possesses a unique taste –some are sweet while some are sour. Like cherries, berries are high in vitamin C and possess flavonoids which fight inflammation in the body. You can eat berries by themselves or add them to salads, smoothies, smoothie bowls, juices, syrups, and more. If you want to get more specific, these are the berries that are best for in your gout diet:
Blueberries: Blueberries are considered a superfood for good reason. They’re packed with nutrients making them a perfect addition to a healthy balanced diet. They are very high in antioxidants which help fight inflammation in the body.
Strawberries: Les fraises ont des antioxydants et de la vitamine C, mais elles sont également riches en magnésium, ce qui peut aider à réduire la douleur et le gonflement causés par une poussée de goutte. Elles ont également une forte teneur en eau qui peut aider à dissoudre l'acide urique dans le corps et à prévenir la cristallisation.
Mûres: Blackberries are not as sweet as other fruits but it’s a good addition to your meals if you want to diversify the flavor. It’s almost citrusy because it has a sour taste to it and just like other berries, it’s rich in antioxidants which help neutralize free radicals in the body.
Raspberries: If you are experiencing pain, reach for some raspberries or drink it in tea form. Raspberries fight inflammation by blocking the signals in your body that’s causing pain. It works just as good as your ordinary pain reliever like Ibuprofen.
Acai berry: Acai berries are relatively new considering they weren’t introduced to the Western world until the 1990s. It is suspected that they contain more antioxidants than blueberries and strawberries, but more research is yet to be done to fully understand their health benefits. Aside from being an antioxidant, acai berries are also anti-inflammatory. It has quite a short life expectancy of only 24 hours after picking so only go for acai berry products that are frozen or dried.
Les agrumes
Pas besoin de deviner ici ! Tous les agrumes sont d'excellentes sources de vitamine C. Le grand avantage des agrumes populaires comme le citron, l'orange et le pamplemousse est qu'ils ont tous une faible teneur en fructose, ce qui les rend parfaits à consommer sans crainte de trop en manger. De nombreuses études ont déjà prouvé que la vitamine C peut être efficace pour réduire l'acide urique car elle alcalinise le sang. Faites-en un point de consommer au moins un agrume par jour.
Les bananes
Les bananes sont riches en purines, mais leurs avantages pourraient l'emporter sur les inconvénients. Pour commencer, les bananes sont riches en potassium, which helps normalize blood pressure and may also help control uric acid levels. It may also prevent the crystallization of uric acid by converting it into liquid form, so it’s easily filtered by the kidneys. Eat a banana by itself or add it to smoothies, desserts, and oatmeal.
Les pommes
The saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” holds true for gout sufferers. It’s one of the most consumed fruits in the world and for good reason. It’s delicious and possesses extremely powerful nutrients that help fight inflammatory diseases. They’re also sweet which makes them the perfect treat to beat those sugar cravings. When eating apples, do not bother peeling it as the skin is just as beneficial as the flesh inside it. Just make sure to wash them thoroughly with baking soda mixed with water to remove any pesticides coating it.
Papaya is known to help people who suffer from arthritis particularly rheumatoid arthritis. If you read my article about this condition, you will know that suffering from rheumatoid arthritis can make you susceptible to developing gout as well. The proteolytic enzyme papain found in papaya is a natural anti-inflammatory which may help the body maintain its alkalinity, preventing the buildup of uric acid.
Papaya is also rich in vitamin C which may be beneficial for gout. Aside from that, it contains nutrients such as carotenes, flavonoids, B vitamins, vitamin A, folate, pantothenic, potassium, copper, magnesium. All these work together to promote heart, colon, and kidney health. Simply put, papaya helps your vital organs to function optimally decreasing your chances experiencing gout symptoms.
Dans la communauté de la goutte, l'ananas est surtout connu pour sa teneur en bromélaïne. But let’s not forget that it’s also high in vitamin C and low in fructose making it an ideal sweet treat for the gout sufferer. Unfortunately, its most important property, bromelain, is only found in its stems.
Des recherches ont montré que la bromélaïne favorise la circulation sanguine et soulage la douleur causée par l'inflammation. Certes, la tige n'est pas aussi sucrée et comestible que le fruit lui-même, mais elle reste consommable. Si vous avez un extracteur de jus, vous pouvez couper la tige d'ananas et la réduire en purée pour profiter de ses bienfaits. Vous pouvez également prendre de la bromélaïne sous forme de comprimé. Prenez-le pendant une crise de goutte et quelques heures après la crise pour gérer la douleur.
Avocados often get mistaken for being a vegetable because they’re not sweet like regular fruit. What makes it a true a star is its high fat content. It’s one of the fattiest foods on the planet but take note, it’s the good kind of fat. It has monounsaturated fatty acid called oleic acid which is a powerful antioxidant that helps fight inflammation. It’s also high on potassium which may assist with the excretion of uric acid in the body. And because avocados are so filling, they make you feel full longer making you less likely to binge on unhealthy snacks. Avocado is very versatile and can be served in different ways whether as a salad mix, guacamole, toast, or by itself!
Cantaloupes possess a good variety of vitamins and minerals which may be useful for fighting gout symptoms. It has potassium and vitamin C, and although its antioxidant properties are not as powerful as strawberries or cherries, they’re still a good addition to your diet. Remember, you want to have high antioxidant levels in your body. Cantaloupes may help boost that allowing you to rid of those free radicals caused by gout flares. Cantaloupes are low in purines and have a high-water content helping to keep your body hydrated.
All kinds of grapes may be beneficial for gout. They contain bioflavonoids, potassium, and vitamin C which help support the immune system and fight all forms of pain caused by arthritis. However, grapes are high in purines and sugars, so you want to practice moderation when eating them. It can be easy to indulge in a lot since they’re small in size. Eat as much as what your palm will allow and that’s it!
À propos de ces fruits riches en fructose
There is a correlation between high fructose fruits and the incidence of gout symptoms. Once metabolized by the body, fructose turns into purines which may elevate uric acid levels. This is why it’s important to keep track of the fructose content in the fruit you are eating. Too much of the sweet fruits may be the cause of your gout attack later on. Always consume such fruits in moderation. Watch your portions and you will still be able to enjoy the benefits, without the risk.
Fruits à limiter
It’s true that certain fruits may worsen your gout symptoms. The good thing is that it’ll be easy to distinguish which ones do. One common denominator is the high oxalate content which is often found in fruit juices. When combined with calcium in your kidneys, it may crystallize and form into kidney stones. This is bad news since proper kidney function is required for processing uric acid.
Les fruits qui sont riches en oxalates sont : Raisins,
- Rhubarb
- Abricots
- Pêches
- Kakis
- Figues séchées
- Kiwi
- Mangues
Ces fruits ne sont pas nécessairement mauvais. Vous pouvez toujours les manger, mais comme je l'ai mentionné ci-dessus, faites-le avec modération.
Les Purines Ont-Ils Vraiment de l'Importance ?
Les purines sont des composés cristallins métabolisés par le corps. Une fois décomposées, elles se transforment en un produit de déchets appelé acide urique. Et l'accumulation de cet acide est ce qui provoque ces attaques de goutte insupportables. Pour cette raison, les personnes souffrant de la goutte sont invitées à surveiller la teneur en purines de leurs aliments.
But does it really matter with fruits? Based on the studies and accounts I’ve read, there isn’t really a clear answer. You obviously need to be careful of high purine foods but when you look at the liste des purines dans les aliments, fruits belong in the category of foods that are lowest in purines. Low compared to beer, organ meats, or sardines.
En conclusion
The most important takeaway here is that you should only consume fruit in its most natural form and avoid processed ones like fruit juices or dried fruits. Whole organic fruits provide the best benefits with the least risk. If you are not buying fruit in its whole form, make sure to always check the label. Whether it’s dried fruit, canned, frozen, or juiced, you want to see whether it’s been heavily processed or added with ingredients you don’t want.
Marketers are aware that people are getting more health conscious, so they package and market their products in a way that attract people like you. Don’t fall into the hype and check the labels first. In addition to what you have learned here, I also recommend that you do your own research as well, so you are knowledgeable about the nutrient content in the fruits you buy.