
¿Qué puede comer una persona con gota para el desayuno?

Para algunas personas, el desayuno es su comida favorita del día. Marca el final de un ayuno en el que puedes deleitarte con deliciosos huevos y tocino, panqueques y gofres, tal vez un tazón de cereal cubierto con miel y trocitos de chocolate.


But if you’re a gout sufferer, hold up! Some of these breakfast meals mentioned might actually not be good for you. In fact, most of them are bad. So bad that they may increase your uric acid level in just minutes! I’m not exaggerating.

If you’re trying to figure out the culprit of your recent gout attacks, you need not look further than what you eat for breakfast. Just take a look at some of today’s breakfast staples: bacon, ham, sausage, pancake, waffles, smoothies, sweetened yogurt, frappes, cereals. All these aren’t necessarily bad but some of them should be eaten with caution since they contain ingredients that may trigger your gout.

In this article, I discuss the 10 rules you should follow when it comes to having a healthy gout breakfast. Don’t worry because for every item that is prohibited, I provide a healthy alternative that is just as delicious and way more nutritious than what you’re used to getting.

Let’s start, shall we?

1. Utiliza trigo integral para cualquier cosa que involucre harina.

Whether it’s pancakes, waffles, crepes, muffins, or cookies, it should be made with whole wheat flour.  Whole means the flour is not refined and is not stripped off its essential minerals which can be beneficial for your body.

Un estudio encontró que cuando las personas eliminaron los productos de trigo refinado de su dieta y los reemplazaron por trigo integral, sus marcadores inflamatorios disminuyeron. Uno de estos marcadores es la proteína C-reactiva, que se ha asociado con enfermedades graves como la diabetes tipo 2, enfermedades cardíacas y parto prematuro.

El trigo integral contiene más fibra, algo de proteína y grasas saludables, lo cual ayuda a sentirse lleno durante más tiempo y mantenerse energizado a lo largo del día. Esto significa que se reduce la necesidad de tomar bocadillos innecesarios que suman calorías a tu dieta diaria.

Además, la harina de trigo integral también puede ayudar a regular el azúcar en la sangre, ya que tiene un índice glucémico bajo de 51. Compara eso con la harina de trigo blanco, que tiene un índice glucémico de 71. Un menor índice glucémico significa que los alimentos se absorben más lentamente, evitando los picos y caídas de azúcar que te hacen sentir cansado e irritable.

Whole wheat flour also contains certain B vitamins, calcium, iron, phosphorus and riboflavin. Some of these vitamins and minerals we miss in our regular diet so it’s good to use whole wheat flour as an ingredient in making your favorite breakfast meals.

The best part is that whole wheat flour has a sweet, earthy, nutty taste that makes for a flavorful base to your pancakes and waffles. The next time you’re shopping for flour in the market, make sure it is 100% whole wheat. Be wary of flours and breads that have been enriched with vitamins. It’s always better to get the 100% whole wheat kind.


Ah eggs! Who doesn’t love them? It’s a very versatile food item that can be prepared, eaten, and mixed with almost any dish you can think of. They’re very rich in B vitamins, cholin, biotin, and folic acid. Plus, they’re very low in calories! So, if you’re trying to lose weight or quit meat altogether, two to three eggs a day will keep you energized and feel full for longer since it’s high in protein.

However, for gout sufferers, there’s a few rules you need to follow when it comes to eggs. You can consumir huevos cocidos ya que otros métodos como freírlos solo disminuirán sus maravillosos beneficios.

It doesn’t matter if you’re using “healthy” oil such as olive oil to cook it. Once it’s fried, you increase the free radicals which puts your health at an even higher risk. So, save yourself the trouble and eat only boiled eggs from now on, and limit it to only a few times a week, 6 times at most.

The good news is that when you eat eggs this way, you can eat every single bit of it, yes, including the yolk! The egg yolk possesses more vitamins and minerals than the egg white so you’re really not missing out here. You can use boiled egg for salads, sandwiches, dips, and more. You just have to get creative. There’s books out there dedicated to teaching you how to incorporate boiled eggs into your meals.

When you buy eggs at the grocery store, look for the terms “cage-free”, “pasture-raised”, “pastured”, or “free range”. Or consider buying from a farm nearby. Nothing compares to the taste of free-range eggs. They’re more nutritious and delicious than the eggs that came from a chicken that’s raised in a factory.

Tostadas, pan, bagels, cereales

Otro alimento básico del desayuno del que debes tener cuidado son los panes. Con el paso de los años, los productos a base de trigo como el pan han recibido críticas debido al proceso al que se someten llamado refinamiento. En este proceso, se eliminan el salvado y los gérmenes que hacen que el trigo sea nutritivo en primer lugar. Además, el refinamiento del trigo también elimina nutrientes beneficiosos como las vitaminas B, la fibra, el ácido fólico, el zinc, el fósforo, el calcio y el hierro.

So, don’t be fooled by gluten-free gurus that tell you all bread is bad. You just have to look for ones that use 100% whole wheat. This type of wheat can be a very great source of magnesium, manganese, and dietary fiber which help decrease your risk for chronic illnesses like asthma, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. Whole grain may also help with inflammation which is something gout sufferers are all too familiar with.

As for other breakfast items like French toast, bagels, or cereals, you want to look for whole wheat versions of these. Food labels at the front can be quite tricky as the FDA is very lax with this. However, you just need to turn the product over to really see its real nutritional value. If the product says “whole wheat” in the front but the first ingredient on the back doesn’t say that, ditch it. Always check to see if “whole wheat” or “whole grain” is first on the list as that means that the product contains more of that than any other ingredient.

Also watch out for cereals. Most popular brands load their cereals with high amounts of sugar which can cause sugar spikes and crashes early in the day. Look out for sugars, artificial colors, and preservatives listed in the first three ingredients. If whole grains such as oats, wheat, barley, or rice isn’t on top of the list or you don’t find the word “whole” at all, put it back on the shelf and move on to the next one.

Remember, product ingredients are listed in order of greatest quantity to lowest so don’t go for ones where the added sugar is higher than the third or fourth ingredient on the list.


La gota y usted Productos



Although oatmeal contains some purines, it still makes for a filling breakfast option. Regardless of what your uric acid level may be, as long as you choose the right oatmeal and toppings, you may be safe from gout attacks and free to enjoy its wonderful benefits.

Oatmeal possesses minerales como manganeso, fósforo, cobre, biotina, cromo, magnesio y molibdeno. Ayuda a reducir el colesterol, estabilizar los niveles de azúcar en la sangre y mejorar la respuesta inmunológica. Además, la avena también actúa como laxante, promoviendo el flujo adecuado de alimentos en tu cuerpo todos los días.

Probablemente, la razón por la cual algunos afectados por la gota asocian la avena con un ataque es porque la avena instantánea es muy común. En los supermercados, se ven más opciones de avena instantánea con sabores que de las regulares.

The good news is that you don’t need to play the guessing game when it comes to shopping for oats. Just find one that takes the longest to cook as that is probably the healthiest one. Healthy oats such as whole rolled, or steel cut oats take around 15-30 minutes to cook. Anything that contains artificial flavors and additives or cooks instantly (3 to 5 minutes) should be avoided.

“Does that mean I need to sit around every morning for 30 minutes when cooking my oats?”

No necesariamente. Simplemente prepárate una gran cantidad al comienzo de la semana. Usa leche o agua, según prefieras, y deja que se enfríe antes de congelarla. Descongela la porción que necesites para el día siguiente y simplemente caliéntala en el microondas antes de servirla. ¡Para darle sabor, agrega tus nueces y frutas favoritas! Estos alimentos son bajos en purinas y ayudan a potenciar los beneficios saludables de tu avena.

Considera comprar tus avenas en lotes más pequeños, ya que tienden a ponerse rancias rápidamente. Querrás comprarlas en una tienda con un movimiento rápido de inventario, porque esto significa que siempre estás obteniendo avena fresca. Para que dure más tiempo, guárdala en un recipiente hermético. ¡Una avena almacenada correctamente te durará dos meses!

Sin carnes como tocino, salchicha o jamón

Muchas personas disfrutan de una rebanada de cerdo en la comida de la mañana. Sin embargo, este tipo de carne debe evitarse por completo en todas las comidas si tienes gota. No solo estos favoritos del desayuno son altos en sodio, sino que también provienen del animal más voraz de todos, el cerdo.

Lamento decir esto, pero los cerdos son realmente sucios. Son carroñeros que comen cualquier cosa a la vista, incluyendo sus propias heces, y sí, incluso el ocasional cadáver de un animal enfermo. ¡Qué asco! Y debido a que digieren la comida tan rápidamente, su cuerpo no tiene tiempo para procesar esas toxinas peligrosas. Como resultado, las toxinas se almacenan en sus tejidos grasos.

What’s worse is that pigs don’t sweat which means they can’t eliminate toxins through their skin. Ever wonder why pigs like to roll in mud? It’s not because they’re nasty. It’s because they’re hot and the only way they know how to cool down is by lying down on cold wet soil.

So essentially, when you eat pork, you are also eating the toxins that go with it. It’s no wonder why the Central of Disease and Control Prevention associate over 100 viruses to pigs. You’re probably familiar with the deadly H1N1 which has been the cause of multiple outbreaks in the last decades. It’s also no coincidence why the term swine flu exists. You don’t hear or fish flu or cow flu as much do you?

In addition, pork is a bit trickier to cook compared to other meats. For one, it contains the most fat (who eats just the fat?) and cooking it in high heat doesn’t exactly kill all the parasites it’s carrying. It might even be worse than alcohol as it causes liver cirrhosis and possibly cancer!

Cuando puedas, di no al cerdo y opta por carnes de animales que hayan sido alimentados con pasto o heno.

El café es bueno para ti.

El café es probablemente la bebida más amada en el mundo. Algunas personas aseguran no poder comenzar su día sin su dosis matutina de cafeína. Si eres una de esas personas, buenas noticias: ¡puedes beber café! De hecho, se recomienda, ya que el café puede ser beneficioso para la gota.

Un estudio spanning 12 years followed men who were over the age of 40. They wanted to find out whether coffee had an effect on lowering one’s risk for developing gout. They found out that those who drank more coffee decreased their chances of experiencing a gout attack. In fact, those who drank more than six cups of coffee had the lowest risk!

This is because coffee contains chlorogenic acid which is an antioxidant that may decrease insulin and uric acid. As a result, you’re probably able to avoid those dreadful gout attacks!

One caveat is that coffee only helps lower risk to those who haven’t developed the disease yet. If you already have gout but you’re not a consistent coffee drinker, the effects might not be as great.

But what if you already drink coffee? Does this mean you can increase your caffeine intake? No. If you try to, it’ll have a counterintuitive effect like allopurinol where you experience more gout attacks before it dissipates.

También, recuerda que los hombres tienen más probabilidades de experimentar efectos secundarios negativos del café, que pueden incluir insomnio, palpitaciones cardíacas y temblores musculares. Para obtener los mejores resultados, sigue bebiendo la misma cantidad de café a la que estás acostumbrado todos los días.

Otra cosa a tener en cuenta son las bebidas endulzadas con cafeína. Las ves por todas partes en las cafeterías. Bebidas espumosas, granizadas, con sabores exagerados y cargadas de ingredientes muy perjudiciales para ti.

Do yourself a favor and stay away from these coffee drinks as much as possible –if they can even be called that.  Also say no to the sugar and creamer.  You only want to go for organic black coffee as that is the most beneficial for the gout sufferer.

Pair your coffee with any of the items we have listed on this article and not only will you enjoy a filling breakfast, you’ll probably also save yourself from a gout attack!

Productos lácteos

It’s a known fact that dairy may have a beneficial effect on gout. This is because milk possesses substances and proteins like orotic, casein, and lactalbumin which help make it easy for the body to excrete uric acid. In addition, milk from cow has anti-inflammatory properties and a low purine content making it safe to take for the gout sufferer.

En uno estudio involving 15,000 Americans, they found that individuals who drank their milk daily for six years had decreased their uric acid levels by 25mg/dL on average. Participants who ate all kinds of cheese also experienced a similar effect. Take note that we’re talking about milk from cow here. Any other source of milk like soy and nuts will not have the same effect as cow’s milk.

Independientemente de si tienes gota o tienes riesgo de padecerla, añadir productos lácteos a tu dieta puede ayudar a reducir las posibilidades de sufrir un ataque. Puedes beber un vaso de leche al comienzo del día o añadirla a tu cereal integral favorito o avena.

Another option would be to add cheese to your egg sandwich. Cheese is delicious and adds great flavor to your breakfast. If you’re needing something light, go for yogurt. Yogurt is a probiotic which help keep your gut healthy –and you may not know this, but the gut is where a third of uric acid is being dissolved.

Always go for plain yogurt and avoid those pre-flavored ones. You’ll know it’s the real deal because plain yogurt tastes a bit sour. You can then add your own flavors such as fruit and nuts to enhance its taste. That’s better than taking those ultra-sweet ones which do nothing but make your gout worse.

No a los azúcares artificiales

Lo primero que se nos viene a la mente es el jugo de naranja. Si lo haces tú mismo, está bien. Pero si es comprado en la tienda, lo más probable es que tenga un alto contenido de azúcar, especialmente del tipo de fructosa que perjudica tu salud.

In addition, there are those seemingly healthy breakfast options like smoothies and smoothie bowls which again, if you’re not careful, can be loaded with added sweeteners like chocolate chips, dried fruit, almond milk, honey, etc. It’s worse when you get those smoothies from the store. If you’re not the one making it, there’s no way of telling what’s really in your food.

Why are we so concerned about fructose and sugars? Fructose induces the release of the compounds called purines which may increase the production of uric acid in the body. So not only are you adding inches to your waistline, you’re also increasing your chance of a gout attack. No, seriously. The effects are so fast. Once you take that sugary drink, your uric acid also rises in just minutes.

This doesn’t just stop at beverages. Some people’s go-to morning meals are donuts, muffins, granola bars which are not considered real food at all. Sorry to burst your bubble but these are sugar bombs that may give you a temporary rush in the morning but will lead to a painful crash later on. You’re basically eating cake for breakfast. That’s no way to treat your body unless you’re a five-year-old.

If it’s not fruit juice you made yourself or smoothies that have a higher vegetable to fruit ratio, don’t eat it for breakfast at all –or ever. As much as possible, you want to avoid sugar as gout is strongly associated with conditions involving your blood sugar such as diabetes and metabolic syndrome. They are related in a way that if your body doesn’t respond well to insulin, your risk for hyperuricemia increases. And when you have hyperuricemia, you are also likely to be insulin resistant.

This all sounds so bleak but it’s the truth. You can occasionally treat yourself to a delicious muffin for breakfast, but it should only be treated as such: an occasional treat. You will find that the less you indulge in these sugary items, the less your body will crave for it. And the more you feed yourself with real nutritious foods, the more your taste buds will get used to the flavor –maybe even enhance it because you’re not desensitized anymore by rich, artificial flavors manufacturers put in these unhealthy snacks.

En conclusión

Espero que estos consejos para el desayuno te ayuden a manejar mejor tu gota. Recuerda que desayunas todos los días, por lo que cada día tienes la elección de tener una comida saludable o no. Lo que hagas temprano en el día dictará cómo te sentirás durante el resto del día. ¿Elegirás ese tocino tan delicioso y los muffins por la mañana (solo para sentirte lento y poco saludable a largo plazo)? ¿O harás ese satisfactorio y nutritivo sándwich de huevo integral y lo acompañarás con una taza de café negro?

¡La elección es tuya!

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