Gout and Podagra

What is Podagra?

Podagra which is a Greek word translated means “foot trap”, defines gout of the foot or big toe primarily affecting the joint at the base of the big toe caused by excess uric acid in the blood. Either too much uric acid is being produced or not enough is being excreted from the urine. The uric acid then crystallizes and settles in the joints. Your body then reacts to this inflammatory immune response with a gout attack or on a lighter side you may have some redness, swelling or tenderness in the foot area.

Podagra is gout but is more specifically called podagra when it shows up in the big toe which also consits of 50% of the cases. But podagra can also affect all the joints of your feet and ankle. One of the most common symptoms of gout being in the big toe stressing the metatarso-phalangeal joint and usually 90% of your body weight pushes off this joint. With time motion becomes more and more limited, making walking difficult and painful. Below is an infographic that is very informative and will help you understand the problem visually.

Gout / Podagra

2500 years ago the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates has stated that he would not be surprised to notice how persons with gout had a higher mortality rate than the average person. Particularly mortality associated with heart disease and/or cardiovascular related than persons without gout.

When suffering from podagra make sure to rest your foot as much as you can either elevated or rested in your bed. Keep your foot or joint cool with a pack of ice for 20 minutes at a time. Take some ibuprofen to lower the pain and increase your mobility. Avoid any exercise and walk only if you have to. Try and walk with either a cane or some other support so you don’t add much weight on your foot. Wearing a splint to immobilize the affected joint ain’t a bad idea either.

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