Goût et la tribu Tsimane

Ce que la tribu Tsimane peut enseigner aux personnes souffrant de la goutte

Je voulais partager avec vous cette nouvelle étude publiée dans la revue médicale The Lancet,, that studied a remote Amazon tribe living in the Bolivian Amazon which has shown to the researchers to have the healthiest arteries ever studied! This study concluded that an 80 year old from the tribe has the same vascular age as an American in their mid fifties! Not only was the tribe’s heart rate was much lower but also their blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose!

Contrairement aux personnes de l'Ouest, la tribu Tsimane vit d'un régime alimentaire pauvre en graisses saturées et évidemment riche en aliments non transformés. Les chercheurs ont visité 85 villages Tsimane entre 2014 et 2015 et ont mesuré leur risque de maladie cardiaque en prenant des scanners CT. Ils ont découvert que près de neuf Tsimane sur dix, soit environ 85 %, n'avaient aucun risque de maladie cardiaque. Seuls 3 % présentaient un risque modéré ou élevé.

Hillard Kaplan who is a senior anthropology author and professor of the University of New Mexico, said: “Our study shows that the Tsimane indigenous South Americans have the lowest prevalence of coronary atherosclerosis of any population yet studied.He goes on to say, “Their lifestyle suggests that a diet low in saturated fats and high in non-processed fibre-rich carbohydrates, along with wild game and fish, not smoking and being active throughout the day could help prevent hardening in the arteries of the heart.”

Senior cardiology author Dr Gregory S Thomas from Long Beach Memorial Medical Centre in the United States stated: “Most of the Tsimane are able to live their entire life without developing any coronary atherosclerosis. This has never been seen in any prior research. While difficult to achieve in the industrialized world, we can adopt some aspects of their lifestyle to potentially forestall a condition we thought would eventually affect almost all of us.”


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But do you know what the key takeaway was for me? That their diet consisted of largely complex carbohydrates (72 percent of their daily calories) that included non-processed carbs which are high in fibre such as rice, plantain, corn, nuts and fruits. Doesn’t it sound similar to my gout diet as outlined in this website and my livre électronique où j'affirme qu'un régime contre la goutte devrait être composé à 80 % de glucides complexes ?

Les protéines représentaient 14% de leur alimentation (je recommande 10% pour un régime contre la goutte) et provenaient de la viande animale. Les graisses représentaient 14% de leur alimentation (je recommande 10% pour un régime contre la goutte), ce qui équivaut à environ 38 grammes de matières grasses par jour, dont 11 grammes de graisses saturées et pas de graisses trans du tout ! Le tabagisme était évidemment inexistant chez les Tsimane.

Leçon pour nous

The lesson here for all of you is that if you follow my gout diet formula of eating 80% of your daily calories as complex carbohydrates such as vegetables, legumes, beans, nuts, some fruit, whole wheat bread, pasta, rice and eat 10% of your daily calories as protein (poultry, red meat, fish etc…) and fat as in milk, cheese, eggs, butter, yogurt…you may live a longer and healthier life, your gout will be more in control, the risk of getting any other complications of gout like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease will be lower for you.

Remember gout is part of what we call the “syndrome métabolique” which I’ve talked about before. Diseases like gout come mostly from bad diets and bad lifestyle. Yes genetics plays a role to a certain extent but not like the role diet and lifestyle plays. The other lesson in this study is the importance of daily activity.

Les Tsimane sont incroyablement actifs chaque jour. Ils marchent environ 8 heures par jour pendant la chasse et la cueillette. L'exercice est très important même pour nous, les personnes souffrant de la goutte, et j'ai également souligné cela dans des publications précédentes.. So learn from the Tsimane tribe. Apply their the dietary and lifestyle lessons to your life and let’s lower those uric acid levels.

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