For most gout patients, dealing with the initial symptoms may be a life-changing experience. Many of us have described the situation as “end-of-the-world.” Many would argue that this is an exaggeration, but to say the pain was unbearable is an understatement.
That’s why many of us set out on a mission to do everything we may to avoid another gout flare-up.
If you start using the recommended solutions on time, you may literally reduce your risk of gout and gout attacks. Pain relievers are effective, but they have so many side effects that I avoid them as much as possible.
The good news is that Mother Nature, as she usually does, provides us with all the support we need to keep gout symptoms to a minimum. There are numerous plants and herbs that may be used to treat gout.
Does Aloe Vera Help With Gout?
The most appealing ingredient is most likely the gel-substance that grows within the plant. It has been used to treat painful conditions for over 2000 years and was one of the first natural remedies ever used.
Gout and aloe vera have been linked for over a century. As far as I’m aware, gout sufferers may benefit from the anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera. It may lessen discomfort while also lowering joint and surrounding-joint swelling.
The plant also ensures that the pain is significantly reduced while assisting our body in repairing the injured joint tissue. Additionally, it defends you from the subsequent gout attack and lessens the severity of the pain if one does happen.
Gout is an inflammatory condition that typically impacts the toe joints, as you may already be aware. Due to its anti-inflammatory qualities, aloe vera should be used by all gout patients. Personally, I believe that every plant and remedy with this benefit is beneficial for treating ailments other than gout.
A Synopsis of Aloe Vera’s History
For centuries, Aloe Vera has been an intriguing plant. It grows in dry areas all over the world, similar to cactus areas, but the two plants share nothing. They are diametrically opposed. There are over 100 different species of Aloe Vera, which is a member of the Lily family.
Since ancient times, the aloe vera plant has been used to treat infections and burns. The aloe vera plant is native to North Africa but can now be found almost anywhere in the world.
Because the plant was thought to be beneficial to the skin, Alexander the Great conquered S???tr?. This is where aloe was first cultivated, and Alexander used it to treat the wounds of his forefathers.
The early Greeks and Romans weren’t the only ones to think of it as a “wonder drug.” Legend has it that aloe vera was Cleopatra’s preferred beauty product.
Today, there are over 100 species of aloe, but aloe vera has garnered the most scientific attention. It is a succulent plant that, like cacti, grows best in warm, dry climates. However, unlike its immediately caustic cousin, aloe vera stands out on its own in terms of some healing properties.
A Plant With Medicinal Properties
Aloe vera is a member of the lily family. It’s simple to grow at home and requires little maintenance. It gets its name from the Arabic word ‘?ll??h,’ which means btt?r. It is well-known for producing a thin, clear gel-like substance that provides soothing relief for common skin irritation.
However, the inner leaf kn can also be used to obtain another substance known as aloe vera latex. The aloe vera plant has been regarded as a medicinal plant with numerous beneficial properties due to its high-water content of nearly 96%.
What’s in the Plant, Exactly?
Aloe vera is a remarkable plant that is possibly the most widely used plant in history for skin application, combining natural healing and skin regeneration. It is the g?l n??r th? l??v? that aloe v?r?’s lf?bl??d, which is rich in many nutrients and water.
It contains over 100 minerals, enzymes, vitamins, lipids, amino acids, and other active compounds, some of which are exclusive to Aloe vera, giving this plant a wide range of natural health applications that often appear too good to be true.
Gout Explained
Gout is a form of arthritis that causes excruciating pain in the joints. The big toe joint is frequently the site of flare-ups. Gout is caused by an excess of uric acid in your body.
Excess uric acid causes needle-like crystals to form in the joints, resulting in excruciating pain, stiffness, and swelling. Joint and skin discomfort may last for several days to several weeks.
The cause is a metabolic imbalance in which there is an excess of uric acid in the blood. This acid’s salt deposits irritate the tissues in the joints, causing them to become inflamed and painful. It is important to note that, as with arthritis, it is the inflammation that causes the pain.
Gout treatment typically focuses on anti-inflammatory and uric acid-lowering medications. Changes in lifestyle may also be very beneficial.
Aloe vera (Liliaceae) as an at-home gout treatment may also be beneficial. It is a herbaceous perennial with leaves that resemble gel. For centuries, aloe vera has been used to treat skin conditions such as sunburn and gastrointestinal issues such as heartburn.
Aloe vera’s anti-gout benefits have not been thoroughly researched in humans. Some, on the other hand, are adamant about their gorgeous green, miracle cactus-like plant.
Can Aloe Vera or Aloe Vera Gel Be Used to Treat Gout?
Studies have not conclusively demonstrated the anti-gout benefits of aloe vera. According to a 2008 research review, some aloe vera components have properties that may be beneficial for reducing gout symptoms:
- Anthraquinones, including aloin and emodin: are analgesics that are antibacterial and antiviral.
- Vitamins A, C, and E: anti-inflammatory antioxidants.
- Bradykinase: an anti-inflammatory enzyme.
- Fatty acids, such as lupeol and cholesterol: plant steroids with analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties.
- Salicilic acid: a substance with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
- Saponins: plant-derived compounds with cleansing and antiseptic properties.
- Auxins and gibberellins: plant hormones with anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties.
Several studies published in 2019 suggested that aloe vera could be used to treat chronic skin wounds like ulcers. This may explain why people find aloe vera soothing when it comes to reducing the redness, inflammation, and peeling skin associated with gout flares.
Interestingly, a small animal study published in 2018 suggested that ingesting an alcoholic extract of aloe vera may lower uric acid levels in bodily tissues.
Treatment with Aloe Vera
You may apply the gel or cream to the affected area and gently massage it into the skin to use aloe vera topically as a treatment for arthritis. Repeat as necessary, even up to four hours a day for joints that are extremely inflamed. You can also consume aloe vera orally, in capsule or juice form.
Home remedies like this one could be a great way to naturally treat ailments. However, if your symptoms persist despite continued consumption of aloe vera or if the high levels of uric acid are impairing your daily activities, it is best to speak with your general physician for the best medical guidance.
How to Treat Gout with Aloe Vera
You can grow aloe vera in a garden or on a windowsill. It is therefore very useful to have in your home. Additionally, the plant has a really cool appearance.
It’s also offered commercially as a cream, ointment, or gel. You may apply aloe vera directly to the skin to treat gout. You can purchase aloe vera in capsule or juice form if you want to consume it orally.
Aloe vera is safe for most people to use topically. Nevertheless, allergic reactions such as burning or itching could happen. Before applying aloe vera to a gout-affected joint, if at all possible, test it on calm skin first to see how it will respond.
It is important to note that there is no scientific evidence linking aloe vera consumption to gout relief. In other words, when using aloe vera for gout, there are no specific medical guidelines to follow.
As a result, and as we always recommend, you should consult with a doctor before attempting this or any other at-home treatment. If you are pregnant or nursing, consult your doctor before using aloe vera.
With that disclaimer out of the way, let’s look at the various ways aloe vera may be used to relieve and prevent gout symptoms.
Benefits of Aloe Vera
Aloe vera, also known as Aloe barbadensis, is a thick, short-stemmed plant with leaves that store water. It is best known for treating skin injuries, but it also has several other potential health benefits.
Here are some of the most important ones:
- It contains beneficial plant compounds: According to studies, aloe vera is widely used in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and food industries. The plant has a global annual market value of $13 billion.Aloe vera’s fleshy, pointed, and thickly lobed leaves can reach lengths of 12–19 inches (30–50 centimeters). The thick leaves are a result of the slimy tissue that covers each leaf and stores water. This water-filled tissue is the “gel” that consumers typically associate with aloe vera products.The majority of the plant’s beneficial bioactive compounds, such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants, are found in the gel (more on that later).
- It has antibacterial and antioxidant qualities: The health of a person depends on antioxidants. Strong antioxidants from the large family of compounds known as polyphenols are found in aloe vera gel.These polyphenols, along with several other compounds found in aloe vera, help to prevent the growth of bacteria that may cause infections in humans.The antibacterial, antiviral, and antiseptic properties of aloe vera are well known. This is one of the reasons it may aid in the healing of wounds and the treatment of skin problems.
- Speeds up healing of wounds: Aloe vera is most used as a topical medication, rubbing it onto the skin rather than consuming it. In fact, it has a long history of use in the treatment of sores and burns, including sunburn.Aloe vera contains the polysaccharide glucomannan as well as the growth hormone gibberellin. These work by interacting with fibroblast growth factor receptors. As a result, fibroblast proliferation is stimulated, which increases collagen synthesis. As a result, the process hastens wound healing.As early as 1810-1820, the United States Pharmacopeia describes aloe vera preparations as a skin protectant. It appears to be an effective topical treatment for first- and second-degree burns, according to research.A review of experimental studies, for example, discovered that when compared to conventional medication, aloe vera could reduce the healing time of burns by around 9 days.It also helped to prevent redness, itching, and infections. Although there is inconclusive evidence for aloe vera’s ability to heal other types of wounds, the research is promising.
- It alleviates constipation: Constipation may also be helped by aloe vera. The latex, not the gel, provides the benefits this time. The latex is a sticky yellow residue found just beneath the leaf’s skin.The key compound responsible for this effect is aloin, also known as barbaloin, which has long been known to have laxative properties.
People have expressed concerns about the safety of frequent use. As a result, aloe latex has not been available as an over-the-counter medication in the United States since 2002. Contrary to popular belief, aloe vera does not appear to be effective in treating other digestive conditions such as IBS or inflammatory bowel disease.
Applications of Aloe Vera for Gout Relief
1- Aloe Vera in gel form:
Aside from its medicinal properties, aloe vera is well-known for its cosmetic benefits. The transparent gel-like liquid found in the inner part of the leaf is responsible for this plant’s incredible benefits.
Because aloe gel is composed of over 96% water, it is no surprise that the plant’s extracts have excellent moisturizing and skin-healing properties. Furthermore, the aloe vera plant is high in antioxidants and vitamins A, B, C, and E.
Aloe Helps Make You Look Good, but It’s Also Cool
To be sure, as gout patients, we’re mostly interested in its potential gout-relieving properties. But if it also makes us look better, that’s a pretty good deal. But I’m digressing.
What’s more important, is that many of this plant’s healing properties are due to the presence of seven essential amino acids. These work hard to keep your skin healthy and glowing.
When you think about it, using aloe vera to relieve gout pain is a no-brainer…gout is HOT! When the inflammation is active, the joints become bright red, hot, and throbbing with pain. Cooling the joint provides relief. But what about repairing the tissues that have been damaged?
Follow the manufacturer’s directions for topical use when using aloe vera-containing products. Check the ingredients list to see if the product contains anything to which you are allergic or sensitive.
Recovery time is heavily influenced by the current diet, weight, and other ailments. The quality of the product you use is another important consideration. As a rough rule of thumb, it will take one month for every year of illness.
Using Aloe Gel as Topical Treatment
Aloe vera gel is widely available and reasonably priced. Personally, I use aloe vera for everything skin-related…if you have a problem with your skin, aloe vera may fix it, in my opinion.
Because we don’t typically think of eating aloe vera – even though we can and it has incredible healing properties for the digestive system. As previously stated, there are numerous vitamins, minerals, amino acids, sugars, enzymes, salicylic acids, and phytonutrients. Here are just a few examples:
- Minerals: Calcium, copper, magnesium, chromium, potassium, zinc, and sodium are all minerals. Many minerals have antioxidant properties and act as “spark plugs” in our bodies, triggering various enzymatic processes and other biochemical functions.
- Vitamins: B12, A, C, E, folic acid, and choline are all vitamins. These nutrients contain a variety of antioxidants that fight free radicals.
- Fatty Acids: Some plant steroids, such as campesterol, lupeol, and cholesterol, are anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiviral, and antibacterial.
- Enzymes: Many of the healing properties of aloe vera may be attributed to its powerful enzymes. Alkaline phosphatase, amylase, catalase, lipase, peroxidase, and bradykinesia are a few examples. Bradykinase is responsible for much of aloe vera’s anti-inflammatory properties.
- Hormones: Auxins and gibberellins are rare hormones that promote wound healing while also acting as anti-inflammatory agents. Aloe vera is used to treat gout pain primarily because of these hormones.
There are several other beneficial and healthy components of aloevera that should be mentioned. There are several essential amino acids. Aspirin’s active ingredient, salylic acid, is anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial. Saponins have antiseptic and cleansing properties. Lignin is responsible for the penetrating action that aloe vera is known for.
There is a long list of healing and health-beneficial actions that place aloe vera near the top of the list of gout remedies. Here is a list of some of those healing properties:
- safeguards against radiation damage (sunburn).
- It has anti-inflammatory properties.
- improves immunity
- boosts collagen synthesis
- increases hyaluronic acid activity
- works as a laxative and aids digestion
- It has antiviral properties.
- acts as a moisturizer and anti-aging agent
- has properties that help to reduce the risk of cancer.
As previously stated, relieving gout symptoms is more of an “inside job.” Toxins that make their way into your inner body terrain are what cause the biochemical imbalance that causes gout. In general, you must restore that balance from within.
However, because our skin is porous and absorbent (think “the patch” – transdermal delivery), aloe vera contains active ingredients that may help to restore that inner environment biochemical balance for killing gout.
2- The Aloe Vera Plant:
If you grow aloe vera, you can extract the gel from its leaves by following these simple steps:
- Look for the thickest leaves, as these will have the most gel.
- Before cutting, gently clean the leaves with water.
- Avoid using moldy or discolored leaves.
- Using a sterile knife or scissors, cut the leaves as close to the plant’s base as possible.
- Trim the prickly edges of the leaves once they’ve been removed from the plant so you can get to the gel inside.
- Using a sterile knife, scrape out the interior gel.
- Latex, which appears as a yellow-tinted liquid, is found in aloe vera leaves. Allow the latex to drain before applying the gel.
- Apply a small amount of gel to the infected skin. Refrigerate any remaining gel for later use.
- Repeat several times per day.
A Word of Caution on the Use and Consumption of Aloe Vera
As much as Aloe Vera is revered for its cosmetic and medicinal benefits, we’d be remiss to not mention its potential drawbacks. We believe in unbiased reporting, and look for solutions that are most likely to provide positive results.
With that being said, here are some potential drawbacks of using aloe vera:
- Low Blood Sugar: Blood sugar levels may be reduced by using aloe vera. People with diabetes who take blood glucose-lowering medications should be cautious when taking aloe to avoid dangerously low blood sugar levels.
- Skin allergy: Some people may develop hypersensitivity to the ingredients in aloe vera. Long-term use of aloe vera gel may also cause skin allergies like hives and inflammation.
- Diarrhea: Some users of aloe vera as a laxative or for digestion have reported stomach discomfort and diarrhea. Diarrhea may be dangerous if not treated because it causes dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.
Aloe vera has numerous health benefits. However, along with its wonders, there are health risks that people should be aware of.
The Bottom Line
Aloe vera is a succulent with a gel-like substance inside. This gel contains anti-inflammatory compounds that may help treat gout. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that may help with joint pain.
That being said, gout pain and potential complications usually necessitate medical attention. Consult with a healthcare professional about the treatments that are appropriate for you.