Goutte et syndrome métabolique

Lien entre la goutte et le syndrome métabolique

The Link between Gout and Metabolic Syndrome Metabolic syndrome is quite common and the numbers are growing not only in North America but worldwide. An estimated 50 million Americans or 1 out of 6 have a form of metabolic syndrome and 40% of people aged 60 and over are affected by it. Metabolic syndrome is […]

Goutte et sclérose en plaques

Multiple Sclerosis and Gout

Are Gout Sufferers More Prone to Develop MS? There has been a lot of chatter about gout, uric acid and the disease multiple sclerosis lately on the net and I thought it would be a good idea to shine some light on this subject for you. Firstly, multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that attacks […]

Goût et diabète

Diabète et goutte

Does Having Gout Increase My Chances Of Developing Diabetes? Many of the people who suffer from gout also suffer from diabetes or eventually will. Both diseases have been with us for thousands of years. Having one condition elevates the risk of developing the other. Gout is a type of arthritis that develops when uric acid […]

Qu'est-ce que la goutte ?

Définition de la goutte

Fast Facts About Gout Historically, gout was referred as “the king of diseases and the disease of kings” or “rich man’s disease” and its’ first documentation goes back all the way to 2600 BC Egypt. Why? It’s obvious that royalty and the rich could afford meats, alcohol and liked to fatten themselves up with other […]

Diagnostiqué avec la goutte

Je m'appelle Spiro Koulouris et je souffre de goutte. Considérée comme l'une des affections rhumatismales les plus douloureuses,
