La goutte et le sel d'Epsom
Epsom Salt for Gout: Does it Really Work? Epsom Salt and Its Benefits Epsom salt got its name from the town of Epsom in England where it comes from. It is produced from the spring which mixes porous chalk with non-porous clay. The salt is touted for its numerous benefits although there is not exactly […]
La goutte et les radis
Radishes in a Gout Diet Gout occurs when the uric acid crystals are deposited into the joints or the soft tissues, which leads to inflammatory arthritis, making the joints suffer from intense pain, swelling and sometimes you can experience joint stiffness. Purines are natural substances which can be found in most of the foods we […]
Goutte et remèdes maison naturels
Top 10 Natural Home Remedies for Gout Gout is a type of arthritis that can affect different body parts like the ankles, knees, hands, wrists but mainly affects the big toe. Symptoms include acute pain, inflammation in the joints causing swelling and tenderness. Many gout sufferers have experimented with natural home remedies. What is a […]
Goût et Boswellia Serrata
Discover how this powerful herb called boswellia serrata can help with your gout Boswellia serrata is a moderate to large sized branching tree of family Burseraceae which grows in the dry mountainous regions of India, Northern Africa and Middle East. Boswellia Serrata or frankincense has been used for centuries and has also been referred in the […]
Goutte et poivre de Cayenne
Spice up your gout with some cayenne pepper! Cayenne pepper has been used medicinally in China and the Americas for centuries. Cayenne pepper may be used to treat many ailments like heartburn, fever, flatulence (helping stimulate the digestive tract) nausea, tonsillitis, migraines, colds and the flu (helping break up and move congested mucus), supports weight […]
Goût et gingembre
Discover how ginger can assist you in a gout diet Ginger has been used in cooking and healing since ancient times. It is still used as a home cure for nausea, stomach pain, and other health problems. Consuming ginger on a regular basis may be one of the most practical ways for gout sufferers to […]
Gout et Chardon-Marie
What Milk Thistle Can Do For Your Gout Milk thistle or known in Latin as Silybum Marianum is a flower that has reddish to purple flowers and pale green leaves with white veins on them. The seeds are the medicinal part of the plant is what interests us the most gout sufferers. Milk thistle is […]
Goutte et curcuma
The Healing Power Of This Ancient Spice Turmeric has been gaining popularity in the last few years as a home remedy for gout and is considered by many as a super-food. Turmeric is an herb that belongs in the ginger family. India has been using turmeric since 1900 BC, about 4000 years now, to treat […]