La goutte et vos mains
Can you get gout in your hands and fingers? We all know that symptoms for gout happen most often on the foot. But did you know that you can also experience gout in your hands? Gouty arthritis is not as common as gout. When you have too much buildup of uric acid in your bloodstream, […]
Gout et Apnée du Sommeil
Do You Suffer From Sleep Apnea? Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder where your breathing repeatedly stops and starts while sleeping. About 12 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea and did you know that at least half of them are overweight? Furthermore, sleep apnea is way more common in men compared to women and usually […]
Gout et douleur dorsale
Do you suffer from gout and back pain? If you suffer from back pain it may be due to your gout in what is called spinal gout! In a 2006 study, the researchers reviewed some 630 medical records of gout patients and 64 of them happen to have CT scans available. Out of those 64 […]
Goutte et Stress
Can Stress Actually Cause A Gout Attack? Stress has been around since the beginning of man, as long as there is uncertainty there will be stress unfortunately and it does produce consequences. Not as much to people who are relatively good health as much as to those who have a disease or a condition already. […]