[headline style=”4″ font_size=”54″ font_font=”Impact” font_style=”bold” font_color=”eb0038″ font_shadow=”none” align=”center” headline_tag=”h1″]Tired of Gout Attacks? [/headline]
[headline style=”2″ font_size=”54″ font_font=”Impact” font_style=”bold” font_color=”e30238″ font_shadow=”none” align=”center” headline_tag=”h2″]Do You Want to Lower Your Uric Acid Levels? [/headline]
[headline style=”2″ font_size=”54″ font_font=”Impact” font_style=”bold” font_color=”dd0337″ font_shadow=”none” align=”center” headline_tag=”h3″]Lower Your Uric Acid Within 60 dÃas Or You Get Your MONEY BACK with Our Famous BLOOD-TEST CHALLENGE[/headline]
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Acepte el reto del análisis de sangre con 60 dÃas o menos de garantÃa de devolución del dinero. Before starting on this gout diet, make sure to take a blood test to measure your uric acid level. Then jot that number down and en cualquier momento antes de 60 dÃas of following my gout diet from this eBook, take another blood test to see where your uric acid level is at. If it hasn’t dropped significantly, then simply ask for your money back! No questions asked. If for any reason this doesn’t work for you or you don’t like it for any reason whatsoever, you still get your money back! Nobody else is offering you such a rock-solid guarantee, Respaldo mis afirmaciones con RESULTADOS REALES. That’s how positive I am that you will succeed in lowering your uric acid levels and stop those painful gout attacks!
I’ve decided to write an eBook outlining all of my research and knowledge about what should consist a healthy gout diet. Us gout sufferers have a unique disease that needs a tailor-made diet in order to avoid any worse progression of our gout which can eventually lead to other complications or even premature death. Our disease favors eating more certain type of foods over others but at the end the formula for a healthy diet is the same whether you suffer from gout, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, osteoporosis or any other disease. You’ll learn about that formula in this eBook, how humans are supposed to eat if we want to live a healthy long life and free from gout attacks. ¡¡¡Estas carrocerÃas no estaban pensadas para gastarse después de 60 años, sino más bien de 100!!!
The truth of the matter is after I’ve interviewed doctors, health practitioners, dietitians and others, you’ll find in this eBook how there is no “special” diet and that the diet I outline in detail can also be used by anybody who suffers from diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, osteoporosis, heart disease and even cancer patients! The focus of the eBook is on gout but many gout patients also suffer from diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, osteoporosis, heart disease and even cancer. And if they are presently not, chances are they eventually will at some point in the future, suffer from one or more of these other diseases. Everything is inter-related and health deteriorates due to bad eating habits.
In this eBook I will dispel some common myths about food and dieting, we will get the facts straight on grasas, proteÃnas e hidratos de carbono. I’ll also discuss the truth about curing gout, the BS that is out there and how oil snake salesmen on the web will sell you lies that can lead you to an early grave. I believe that honesty is always the best policy. That’s the reason thousands of you keep coming back to my website everyday to read up on gout.[/feature_box]
[headline style=”1″ font_size=”30″ font_font=”ArialBlack” font_style=”bold” font_color=”e90138″ font_shadow=”light” align=”center” headline_tag=”h4″]They may call it the rich man’s disease but I will teach you how to eat like a peasant…The key is not to eat like a king but how to eat more like a peasant. Gout was historically known as “the disease of kings” or “rich man’s disease” and you’ll discover in this eBook how to eat right through a tried and tested diet![/headline]
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I know what it’s like to wake up one morning with a swollen big toe or a gout attack on any other joint in your body, that cripples you and leaves you hopping around in agonizing pain. I know what it’s like to try some remedy you read on some website only to have another gout flare-up within a few months. You’ve read my blog posts and have learnt a ton of information about gout but now it is time to learn how to eat properly and more importantly what to eat so you can lower your uric acid levels and stop those gout attacks!
Once you dig in the eBook La gota y usted: La dieta y el libro de cocina definitivos para la gota and begin implementing the dieta para la gota right away and using the recipes in the eBook, you’ll be surprised how easy it it is to follow. Using the information in this eBook including the meal ideas, I’ve helped many gout patients manage their pain while also increasing energy, slowing the aging process, losing weight, and building immunity. I have to admit the gout diet described in the eBook is more of a lifestyle change rather than starving yourself, it’s a whole new approach to life too! La verdad es que tienes que hacer cambios pase lo que pase o, de lo contrario, tu salud no hará más que empeorar.
Recuerde que no está solo y que más de 8 millones de estadounidenses padecen gota y millones más en todo el mundo. En Inglaterra, el 2,5% de la población general padece esta terrible enfermedad. A pesar de las estadÃsticas, la gota puede afectar a cualquiera, en cualquier lugar, sin importar la edad, la genética, la salud, la etnia o el estilo de vida. Aunque mucha gente te despreciará e incluso se burlará de tu gota (¡como hicieron conmigo!) viéndola como tus malos hábitos de bebida o alimentación, la verdad es que la gota puede desarrollarse debido a la genética, obviamente la dieta, la menopausia en las mujeres, la obesidad, la pérdida rápida de peso y muchas otras causas descritas en mi sitio web y eBook.
By eating right and following the gout diet described in this eBook you’ll save thousands of dollars from expensive drugs, costly doctor consultation fees and unnecessary surgeries taking your life back! The decision though is yours to make. Not mine.[/feature_box]
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¿Estás listo para pasar a la acción?
¿Está preparado para controlar su gota o quiere que ella le controle a usted?
Considera las siguientes consecuencias futuras para tu salud si no cambias hoy tu dieta y tu estilo de vida...
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- Puedes acabar desarrollando artritis[/bullet_block]
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- Tiene un mayor riesgo de desarrollar diabetes de tipo 2
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- Puedes acabar sufriendo un infarto mortal o un derrame cerebral.
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- Lo que puede hacer que te operen de urgencia...
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- Si padece gota, también corre un mayor riesgo de sufrir una enfermedad renal, cálculos renales y tener que someterse a un tratamiento de diálisis o incluso a una sustitución renal.
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- Definitivamente no quieres sufrir de tofos. ¡Ay! La decisión es tuya. ¿Qué vas a hacer?
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- In this eBook you’ll discover how fat, sugar and blood from meat (since many gout sufferers like their steaks cooked rare or medium) are concentrates that the body simply can’t tolerate in large quantities.When digesting these concentrates, we give way to so many waste products that even our kidneys that have excess capacity can’t handle them properly and this can cause you to develop a disease like gout.
- You’ll also learn that it takes us to drink up to 7 veces más agua para que los riñones desintoxiquen las grasas y las proteÃnas como lo hacen con los hidratos de carbono.
- ¿SabÃa que la mayor parte del colesterol que necesita nuestro organismo lo produce la nuestra ¿HÃgado?
- You’ll discover how ejercicio is important to the gout sufferer. Your body was meant to move around and not sit on a chair or couch all day! Remember the saying, “If you don’t use it, you will lose it!”. This applies to your body as well. Lack of exercise is one of your worst health enemies but the remedy is so simple. I don’t force you to hit the gym and do heavy weight lifting. A simple 3 mile walk is all your body needs in order to be active and keep those uric acid levels low! ¡Nuestra mortalidad general o tasa de mortalidad se reduce en 50% si hacemos ejercicio con regularidad!
- Las principales enfermedades de hoy en dÃa son 80% prevenibles con la alimentación adecuada, ¡incluida la gota! Podemos reducir la tasa de mortalidad ahora mismo ofreciendo a nuestra alimentación los alimentos adecuados. ¿Qué es entonces lo que debes comer?
- Descubra cómo cocinar correctamente la carne para evitar ingerir todos los productos de desecho.
- I will teach you how to never diet! Yes you read that correctly, I won’t deprive you of any calories in this eBook. Eat safe proper food, I don’t want you to go hungry, I don’t want you to skip meals, I want you to enjoy every bite and keep your uric acid low!
- La Asociación Americana del Corazón aconseja que 30% de sus calorÃas diarias como grasa está bien. Yo digo que eso es DEMASIADO y le revelo el porcentaje que su cuerpo puede soportar. ¡¡¡El americano medio consume entre 40 y 50% de sus calorÃas en forma de grasa!!!
- Prepárese para empezar a cocinar con más de 100 recetas e ideas de comidas to get you started today![/bullet_block][headline style=”1″ font_size=”30″ font_font=”Arial%20Black” font_style=”bold” font_color=”%23f61349″ font_shadow=”light” align=”center” headline_tag=”h6″]WHAT ELSE WILL YOU LEARN?[/headline]
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- I’ll break down the percentage of fat for every food category and how to properly calculate your fat intake. I’ll go into detail about animal fats like cheese, butter, milk and eggs and how these foods should be eaten.
- I’ll also explain to you how vegetable fats like vegetable oil is considered toxic for your body. This is something the Big Food companies don’t want you to know.
- Grasas, proteÃnas y carbohidratos. What’s the right percentage breakdown for your daily calories in order for you to lower your uric acid levels? Learn how to calculate the percentage of calories from fat, carbohydrates and protein
- Averigüe qué alimento es su mejor fuente de proteÃnas
- Descubra qué alimentos pueden aportarle hasta 50% de sus calorÃas diarias
- Descubra cómo la la industria alimentaria se mueve por el dólar and expect deception all of the time.The only thing that motivates them is profit. They don’t care about you!
- ¡Necesitas tener unas buenas heces! Aprenda cómo la fibra es el héroe y la importancia de magnesio en su dieta para la gota
- Le mostraré la relación entre el consumo de carne roja y la mortalidad
- I’ll reveal to you the one fruit you can eat after you exercise that has ¡7 veces más potasio que 10 onzas de Gatorade!
- I’ll expose how Big Pharma loves government medicine because they make more money. The FDA and Big Pharma are “in bed together” ambos construyen sus monopolios y su único interés es ganar más dinero.
- I’ll explain you how Americans pay more for prescription drugs than anywhere else in the world?[/bullet_block][feature_box style=”28″ only_advanced=”Therearenotitleoptionsforthechoosenstyle” content_font_size=”20″ content_font_font=”Arial” content_font_style=”normal” content_font_shadow=”none” alignment=”center”]
"Gota y tú: La dieta definitiva para la gota y recetario" is a 223 páginasSin BS, comprimido y directo al punto eBook. Lo hice por una sola razón. Para evitar que las grandes editoriales me obliguen a hacerlo más convencional y menos controvertido. Cada palabra en este eBook es mi interpretación de la investigación cientÃfica sin ninguna agenda oculta o intereses especiales. Está escrito exactamente de la manera que quiero que usted lo lea, SIN compromisos.
Recordatorio especial: La gota y tú: La dieta y el libro de cocina definitivos para la gota is a downloadable eBook. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the eBook onto your computer. The eBook format is Adobe Acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC, on your desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile phone.
I hope you enjoy "Gota y tú: La dieta definitiva para la gota y recetario" as much as I enjoyed bringing it to you. I want to thank you for taking the time to visit my website goutandyou.com and regarding your interest in my eBook. Together, you can help me spread the word about gout to people around the world and educate them on good eating habits, what foods to eat, what foods to avoid and the numerous health tips that are in this eBook. More importantly, you can help me save lives since gout sufferers are at a higher risk of developing other diseases later on and dying earlier than the average general population, saving families from heartbreak not to mention financial stress. WE all deserve living a HEALTHY LIFE! Hippocrates, the father of medicine said: “Que tu alimento sea tu medicina y que tu medicina sea tu alimento.” This is how it’s supposed to be my beloved gout sufferer.[/feature_box]
“At age 23 I was diagnosed with gout, so I relate to you a lot. I love your website, it is the richest source of gout information on the internet, without a doubt! But your ebook really helped me to change my point of view about eating the right foods and the right portions. Your ebook goes to great lengths to understand why we get gout and what is the root of the problem. Obviously food companies, government and pharmaceuticals are the villain but at the end, we are all responsible and accountable for whatever we put in us. It’s been 3 months now since I’ve implemented your recipes into my diet and yes Spiro, my uric acid dropped. My cholesterol dropped as well! Thank you man! Not only that but I feel better and move better. I have more energy, I’m more regular, my joints feel great, I used to get so many gout attacks before, that this time I think I’m never going to have another one again. Obviously, I need to stay disciplined like you say in your ebook and avoid temptation. LOL. In the past 3 months I’ve lost 25 pounds and I am back to my normal weight. What a feeling to be back to your ideal weight, let me tell you! Cool! No?”
“Dear Spiro! Your book on gout was great! I can’t wait now to get started on all of those recipes. Your philosophy on healthy eating is so simple, I don’t understand why people fall for all these diet fads out there. I’ve recommended your book to other gout victims already. Thank you again, for understanding how important food and diet are to lowering uric acid and gout prevention. I wish you all of the success in the world through all the hard work you have put in to helping victims of gout.”
“Hi Spiro!!! I just got my blood test results in and yes, yes, yes, YES!!! My doctor’s office told me my uric acid levels did drop, I did your blood test challenge for kicks and I want to thank you for changing my course in life. I did not know more than half of the stuff you spoke about in your book, I have to tell you, it was a real eye opener, I would go on to say a life changer because now I know the right foods I need to eat for the rest of my life if I want to avoid getting sicker and worsening my gout. With your inspiration I concocted a couple new salad combos that seem to be very anti-inflammatory. Thank you again for your amazing work, advice and inspiration.”
“I tried a few of your suggestions in the ebook and I feel a difference already! This seemed to have helped a lot! Boy was I eating the wrong type of foods. Now I gradually changed my diet, I dropped some pounds but better yet, my joints feel stronger and I don’t experience that pain in my elbow any longer. Drinking nothing but water though has made an immense difference in how I feel. Limiting meat in my diet, I think is the key! I personally think, you’ve unlocked the key to good health. I can’t wait for my next blood test to see where my uric acid level has dropped to! God bless you mate!”
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- All I ask is for you to follow the Gout Diet Plan as directed for 30 to 60 days and if you don’t get your uric acid levels lowered through the Blood Test Challenge, then I don’t want your money. Even if you choose not to do the Blood Test Challenge and for whatever reason you simply don’t like this eBook for any reason, then I don’t want your money. Simple as that! Got it?[/bullet_block][bullet_block large_icon=”63.png” width=”” alignment=”center” font_size=”20″ font_font=”Arial” font_style=”normal” font_shadow=”none”]
- Give me anywhere between 30 and 60 days and I will prove to you that your uric acid levels will be lower by following the Gout Diet Plan. Let me earn your TRUST!!! I believe in serving you unselfishly and simply telling you the truth about gout. The message of the eBook "Gota y tú: La dieta definitiva para la gota y recetario" is so simple that a child can understand. Déjame demostrártelo![/bullet_block][bullet_block large_icon="54.png" width="" alignment="center" font_size="20″ font_font="Arial" font_style="bold" font_shadow="none"]
- The question that you should be asking yourself is: ¿PagarÃa usted $22.00 to learn how to lower your uric acid levels and avoid those excruciating gout attacks? [/bullet_block]
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- The question that you should be asking yourself is: ¿PagarÃa usted $22.00 to learn how to lower your uric acid levels and avoid those excruciating gout attacks? [/bullet_block]
- Give me anywhere between 30 and 60 days and I will prove to you that your uric acid levels will be lower by following the Gout Diet Plan. Let me earn your TRUST!!! I believe in serving you unselfishly and simply telling you the truth about gout. The message of the eBook "Gota y tú: La dieta definitiva para la gota y recetario" is so simple that a child can understand. Déjame demostrártelo![/bullet_block][bullet_block large_icon="54.png" width="" alignment="center" font_size="20″ font_font="Arial" font_style="bold" font_shadow="none"]
- All I ask is for you to follow the Gout Diet Plan as directed for 30 to 60 days and if you don’t get your uric acid levels lowered through the Blood Test Challenge, then I don’t want your money. Even if you choose not to do the Blood Test Challenge and for whatever reason you simply don’t like this eBook for any reason, then I don’t want your money. Simple as that! Got it?[/bullet_block][bullet_block large_icon=”63.png” width=”” alignment=”center” font_size=”20″ font_font=”Arial” font_style=”normal” font_shadow=”none”]
- I’ll break down the percentage of fat for every food category and how to properly calculate your fat intake. I’ll go into detail about animal fats like cheese, butter, milk and eggs and how these foods should be eaten.