Gota y Raíz de Bardana

Burdock Root for Gout

How burdock root can help you with your gout Burdock Root contains many medicinal properties and has been used to treat many ailments for hundreds of years. During the Middle Ages, British herbalists preferred burdock root over sarsaparilla for treating rheumatoid arthritis. It is the root of the Burdock plant that is consumed and used […]

Gota y Cardo Mariano

Cardo mariano y gota

What Milk Thistle Can Do For Your Gout Milk thistle or known in Latin as Silybum Marianum is a flower that has reddish to purple flowers and pale green leaves with white veins on them. The seeds are the medicinal part of the plant is what interests us the most gout sufferers. Milk thistle is […]

Semillas de gota y apio

Celery Seeds for gout

What You Need To Know About Celery Seeds And How It Can Help Your Gout Celery seed has been used as medicine for thousands of years in many parts of the world but not that well known here in the West. Indian Ayurvedic medicine used celery seed to treat colds, flu, water retention, poor digestion, […]
