Gota y Fascitis Plantar
Can Plantar Fasciitis be caused by Gout? Plantar fasciitis or “heel pain” as they call it, is a foot condition caused by inflammation of the plantar aponeurosis and usually a common cause of heel pain but may be caused by gout and rheumatoid arthritis. Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel […]
Gota y tus pies
Take care of your feet if suffering from gout Your feet have about 26 bones and a complex framework of muscles, ligaments and tendons. With every step you take, your feet absorb the full impact of your full body weight keeping you upright and balanced. Did you know that the health of your feet can […]
Gota y Podagra
What is Podagra? Podagra which is a Greek word translated means “foot trap”, defines gout of the foot or big toe primarily affecting the joint at the base of the big toe caused by excess uric acid in the blood. Either too much uric acid is being produced or not enough is being excreted from […]