Gota e Hiperuricemia
Does Hyperuricemia Actually Cause Gout? As a gout sufferer, you must’ve heard or read this big complicated word Hyperuricemia. Yeah I know, looks hard to pronounce, let alone know what it means. Don’t be intimidated, all hyperuricemia means is that it is a condition whereby a person has higher levels of uric acid in the […]
Gota y Genética
Do Genetics Play A Role In Gout? Some breaking news hit the newswires this past week about gout and genetics. This coincided with the passing of my father, Angelo Koulouris, who died of a heart attack on November the 7th, 2013 at the age of 58, inside his 1 bedroom apartment. His body was found […]
Gota y personas famosas
Which Famous People Suffer From Gout? Yes you are not alone my beloved gout sufferer; there is plenty of company with us, famous folk from the past to present, from all walks of life that just happen to have gout! Although gout is mostly associated with kings of old, nowadays actors, musicians and even athletes […]
Gota y Psicología
Love, Family and Community You all must be wondering what in the world is Spiro talking about with a title like Love, Family and Community and what in the world does it have to do with gout? It’s the psychological and emotional support that we all need as human beings, that there is someone there […]