gota y miel

Miel y gota

Health Benefits Of Honey In A Gout Diet Honey has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine and is also a key ingredient in over 600 remedies in ancient Hindu vedic texts, even the ancient Egyptians expounded the medicinal properties of honey containing honey in almost all of their remedies. It was also […]

gota y nuez moscada

Nutmeg and Gout

Should Nutmeg Be Included In Your Gout Diet? Nutmeg spice comes from the nutmeg tree (which can grow to 66 feet tall) by a certain tree called Myristica. It grows two fruits, nutmeg and mace, nutmeg is shaped like an egg measuring about 25 mm long and 16 mm wide weighing between 5 and 10 […]

gota y canela

Cinnamon sticks and powder for gout

Can Cinnamon Lower Uric Acid In Gout Patients? Cinnamon is a spice that originates from India, China and Sri Lanka being one of the oldest spices known to man having been mentioned in a 2700 BC book on Chinese botanical medicine. Cinnamon has been mentioned in the Bible many times and was used in ancient […]
