Gota y tu H韌ado
The connection between gout and your liver In this post we will examine the importance of your liver as it relates to your gout. Your liver plays a critical role in metabolizing your uric acid before your kidneys can pass it out of your body and through the urine. If either your liver or kidneys […]
Gota y osteoartritis
Links Between Gout and Osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis affecting 1 in 10 adults in North America and affects women as well as men equally past the age of 60, OA being more common as we age. OA is also much more common than gout. Presently there is no cure for […]
gota y sudoraci髇
Does Gout Cause You to Sweat More? Did you know that you have anywhere between 2 million and 4 million sweat glands on your body? While women generally have more sweat glands, men抯 glands are usually more active and we sweat more. Sweat maintains your body temperature keeping you from overheating, helps rid your body […]
gota y c醠culos renales
The Danger of Developing Kidney Stones if You Suffer From Gout Kidney stones (renal lithiasis) are not only painful like gout but may be developed due to high uric acid in the blood. If you suffer from gout, you are at an increased risk of developing kidney stones in the future if you don抰 watch […]
complicaciones de la gota
The Dangerous Complications of Gout So, you抳e got gout! You’ve been dealing with it for a few years now, with the occasional gout attack or flare-up. Are you aware of the complications associated with gout years down the road and into the future? These are risks that can have a significant impact on your quality […]
gota y diabetes
Does Having Gout Increase My Chances Of Developing Diabetes? Many of the people who suffer from gout also suffer from diabetes or eventually will. Both diseases have been with us for thousands of years. Having one condition elevates the risk of developing the other. Gout is a type of arthritis that develops when uric acid […]