Encuesta sobre la gota

Gout Survey Findings and Results

The Challenges Of Living With Gout In a recent survey, we asked gout patients what their biggest challenges when dealing with their gout symptoms were. They certainly did not disappoint as many of them were more than happy to share their experience. The gout survey results were organized to help shine a light on what […]

Gota y Coudes

Gota en el codo

How Gout Can Affect Your Elbow and Arm Gout in the elbow is not that common but for gout sufferers since for most it begins and remains concentrated in the big toe or feet area when suffering an inflammatory attack. For some, as the disease progresses over the years, it can move up the body […]

Gota y Fascitis Plantar

Fascitis plantar y gota

Can Plantar Fasciitis be caused by Gout? Plantar fasciitis or “heel pain” as they call it, is a foot condition caused by inflammation of the plantar aponeurosis and usually a common cause of heel pain but may be caused by gout and rheumatoid arthritis. Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel […]

Gota y personas jóvenes

Young People and Gout

Are you in your 20s or 30s and suffer from gout? Couple of articles caught my attention last week and this is important information for gout sufferers everywhere! Surprise, surprise, surprise! Gout is on the rise and doctors in hospitals across the UK are now saying that they are seeing a sharp rise of gout […]

Cómo detener un ataque de gota

Detener un ataque de gota

What Do You Do During a Gout Attack? It’s the holidays and the temptation to eat and drink anything that comes your way will be at an all-time high. Of course, you’re only human which also means you’re not perfect. If you’re like most people, gout sufferers included, it can be easy to stumble and […]

Causas de la gota

Causas de la gota

What causes gout exactly? Gout is developed once there is too much uric acid in the blood, a condition known as hyperuricemia. Uric acid is a waste product that comes about when the body breaks down chemicals in the cells known as purines. If your kidneys can’t fully remove all excess uric acid passed out […]

Gota y Podagra

Podagra Gout

What is Podagra? Podagra which is a Greek word translated means “foot trap”, defines gout of the foot or big toe primarily affecting the joint at the base of the big toe caused by excess uric acid in the blood. Either too much uric acid is being produced or not enough is being excreted from […]

Gota y Tabaquismo

Gota y Tabaquismo

Can Smoking Actually Cause Gout? Although there hasn’t been any studies done linking smoking and gout, there are associations where it may increase your uric acid levels in the blood and may misbalance your pH levels by making your body more acidic. We all know tobacco smoke contains thousands of deadly and dangerous chemicals that […]
