gout y magnesio

gout y magnesio

What Role Does Magnesium Play In a Gout Diet? Magnesium is an alkaline mineral that is found in many foods like leafy green veggies like romaine, lettuce, spinach, nuts and whole grains. Magnesium performs many functions in your body, helping control the amount of calcium in your body to muscle functions as well as your […]

Goût et jeûne

Can Fasting Cause Gout? A popular diet fad that has been around for a few years is the fasting diet where you basically don’t eat anything in order to detox your body or people do it for religious reasons like Muslims during Ramadan. Believe it or not there is a small study that studied the […]

Gota y Remedios Caseros Naturales

Top Gout Natural Home Remedies

Top 10 Natural Home Remedies for Gout Gout is a type of arthritis that can affect different body parts like the ankles, knees, hands, wrists but mainly affects the big toe. Symptoms include acute pain, inflammation in the joints causing swelling and tenderness. Many gout sufferers have experimented with natural home remedies. What is a […]

gota y sudoración

Does Gout Cause You to Sweat More? Did you know that you have anywhere between 2 million and 4 million sweat glands on your body? While women generally have more sweat glands, men’s glands are usually more active and we sweat more. Sweat maintains your body temperature keeping you from overheating, helps rid your body […]

Gota y Masaje

Gota y Masaje

Should You Consider a Massage While Suffering From Gout? We all love getting a massage but for us gout sufferers can a massage add relief to a gout therapy or cause problems for your gout? One thing is for sure and as stated by massage professionals through their professional guidelines, if you happen to be […]

Gota y Clima

El tiempo y la gota

Do you get a gout flare when the weather changes? The climate plays a big role for us gout sufferers especially when it’s hot and humid which may lead to dehydration and triggering a gout attack. When your body is depleted of fluids through perspiration, you can suffer recurrent gout attacks so it is imperative […]

Gota y Sal

Sal y gota

Too Much Salt Should Be Avoided in a Gout Diet Although little research has been done on the subject of salt and/or sodium in regards to gout, it is important to discuss this popular ingredient that is in almost all of our foods. What sodium does in the body is it binds water and maintains […]

Gota y jugo de limón

Lemon water for your gout

What Can Lemon Juice Do For Your Gout? Lemon is a fruit in the citrus family, people like lemon due to its’ distinctive sour taste which consists of lemon juice. It is the citric acid in the lemon juice, which is about 6% which gives it its’ sour taste and its’ pulp is used for […]

La gota y el vinagre de sidra de manzana

La gota y el vinagre de sidra de manzana

Using Apple Cider Vinegar For Gout In this post I’ll be discussing a home remedy that I have been using for a few years now and an internet favorite remedy on health forums and websites, used as a cure-all to treat anything from diabetes, weight loss, blood pressure, acne, dandruff and of course gout. I’ll […]

Gota y bicarbonato de sodio

Baking Soda and Gout

Baking Soda A Common Remedy For Gout Baking soda is well-known for its numerous applications, which include everything from cleaning to tooth care. Treatment for gout and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) may now be added to its ever-expanding list of uses. But when did it become essential in the home? Baking soda, it turns out, has […]
