Gota y salud de la próstata

Did you know gout affects about 5.9% of men and 2.0% of women in the U.S.? High uric acid levels, common in gout, affect more than just joints. A Korean study found a link between gout and prostate problems, like BPH and cancer. Gout’s high uric acid levels impact prostate health. Men with high uric […]

Gota y fracturas

Fracturas y gota

Did you know gout may make bones weak and cause fractures? It’s true! This disease is not just about painful joints. It also affects bone health. If not treated, gout might lead to bone weakness. Then bones may break easier. Gout increases the risk of breaking bones in the toe, ankle, finger, and foot. But […]

Gota y migrañas

Gota y migrañas

Having gout and migraines might seem like having two different problems, but they’re actually connected in a surprising way that affects how we feel every day. Gout makes our joints hurt a lot, and migraines give us really bad headaches. Imagine them like two puzzle pieces that fit together unexpectedly! Now, let’s go on a […]

Gota y depresión

La depresión como complicación de la gota.

Gout is a type of arthritis that causes severe pain, joint redness, and swelling. If left untreated, it might lead to major complications such as high blood pressure, heart attacks, diabetes, kidney difficulties, and obesity. Nowadays, researchers are digging deeper into another challenging problem associated with gout: depression. Even though gout was one of the […]

gota en la rodilla

La mayoría de las personas asocian la gota con dolor en la articulación del dedo gordo del pie. Si bien el dedo gordo del pie es la articulación más comúnmente afectada, es posible que se sorprenda al saber que g

Gota y osteoporosis

Osteoporosis y gota

En tanto que el paciente atteint de la gota, la gestion de vos symptômes de la gota peut souvent sembler être un travail à temps plein. En tant que lecteurs réguliers de mon blog, vous savez que vivre avec la goutte est...

gota y cirugía.

What Causes Gout After Surgery Gout after surgery can be an extremely frustrating experience. Fortunately, new medical research is assisting us in understanding how a surgical solution may result in the same symptoms. Gout is an excruciatingly painful form of arthritis caused by an excess of uric acid in the body (hyperuricemia). This may result […]

La gota y tu agarre

Gout and Your Grip

It seems like such a simple thing, but your grip strength matters a lot in performing daily tasks. You need good grip strength in order to carry bags, lift kids, lift weights, climb walls, shoveling dirt, hitting a bat, and so much more. We don’t realize how important this function is until we are afflicted […]

Gota y erosión ósea

Bone Erosion and Gout

Gout sufferers are all too familiar with the symptoms. The excruciating pain, the swelling, the redness. It’s not hard to recognize that what you’re having is a gout flare. But what most sufferers might not know is the damage that’s happening when they’re not in pain. This is called bone erosion and it can slowly […]

Gota y Fascitis Plantar

Fascitis plantar y gota

Can Plantar Fasciitis be caused by Gout? Plantar fasciitis or “heel pain” as they call it, is a foot condition caused by inflammation of the plantar aponeurosis and usually a common cause of heel pain but may be caused by gout and rheumatoid arthritis. Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel […]
