Gicht und Süßigkeiten
Entdecken Sie, wie sich der Verzehr von Süßigkeiten auf Ihre Gicht auswirken kann, indem er den Harnsäurespiegel im Blut erhöht.
Gicht und Esssucht
Are you addicted to foods that are harmful? Food addiction is very powerful and food addiction is what caused your gout in the first place. Despite your best intentions, you probably find yourself eating large amounts of unhealthy foods despite the fact that you know it causes you harm. How come? Well it all has […]
Gicht und Fast Food
How Fast Food Affects your Gout We all know it’s bad for us but hey when we are super busy or in a rush from time to time, or it’s 3am and no other restaurants are open in town, sometimes you may have no choice but to settle for some fast food cause you do […]
Gicht Auslöser
Common Gout Triggers When suffering from gout you need to take note of the list of potential gout triggers. You should know gout triggers by heart; trigger foods as well as other gout triggers. When it comes to foods that can trigger a gout attack, you need to avoid certain foods that are high in […]
Gicht und Lebensmitteleinkauf
What’s on your grocery list for your gout diet? When you visit your local grocery store, what’s on your shopping list? Do you add foods that should be part of your gout diet or do you give in and buy the foods you’re not supposed to? Suffering from gout is very serious and you should […]
Gicht und Metabolisches Syndrom
The Link between Gout and Metabolic Syndrome Metabolic syndrome is quite common and the numbers are growing not only in North America but worldwide. An estimated 50 million Americans or 1 out of 6 have a form of metabolic syndrome and 40% of people aged 60 and over are affected by it. Metabolic syndrome is […]
Gicht und Salz
Too Much Salt Should Be Avoided in a Gout Diet Although little research has been done on the subject of salt and/or sodium in regards to gout, it is important to discuss this popular ingredient that is in almost all of our foods. What sodium does in the body is it binds water and maintains […]
Gicht und Honig
Health Benefits Of Honey In A Gout Diet Honey has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine and is also a key ingredient in over 600 remedies in ancient Hindu vedic texts, even the ancient Egyptians expounded the medicinal properties of honey containing honey in almost all of their remedies. It was also […]
Gicht, Kakao und Schokolade
Does Eating Chocolate Help With Your Gout? Around 1500 AD, a Spanish soldier who was part of the conquest of Mexico and who had observed the emperor of the Aztecs, Moctezuma II, stated that he took no other beverage than chocolate, served in a golden goblet and flavoured with spices like vanilla; his chocolate beverage […]
Gicht und Dr. Robert Lustig
A Must-See Video Presentation On The Subject Of Sugar! This week I want you all to watch this video, yes I know it’s an hour and a half but break it down to 3 viewings of 30 minutes if you like and more importantly make sure to absorb all the content of this presentation by […]