Gicht und fermentierte Lebensmittel
What are Fermented Foods? Fermented foods are a type of food that are preserved with the help of microorganisms. The process involves using different ingredients to help change the chemical structure of the food whether it’s through the use of bacteria, sugar, alcohol, or yeast. Foods that are pickled or soured are also considered fermented […]
Gicht und Bittersalz
Bittersalz gegen Gicht: Wirkt es wirklich? Bittersalz und seine Vorteile Bittersalz hat seinen Namen von der Stadt Epsom in England, aus der es stammt. Es wird aus einer Quelle gewonnen, in der sich poröse Kreide mit nicht porösem Ton vermischt. Das Salz wird für seine zahlreichen Vorteile angepriesen, obwohl es nicht genau [...]
Gicht und natürliche Hausmittel
Top 10 Natural Home Remedies for Gout Gout is a type of arthritis that can affect different body parts like the ankles, knees, hands, wrists but mainly affects the big toe. Symptoms include acute pain, inflammation in the joints causing swelling and tenderness. Many gout sufferers have experimented with natural home remedies. What is a […]
Gicht und Apfelweinessig
Using Apple Cider Vinegar For Gout In this post I’ll be discussing a home remedy that I have been using for a few years now and an internet favorite remedy on health forums and websites, used as a cure-all to treat anything from diabetes, weight loss, blood pressure, acne, dandruff and of course gout. I’ll […]
Gicht und Backsoda
Baking Soda A Common Remedy For Gout Baking soda is well-known for its numerous applications, which include everything from cleaning to tooth care. Treatment for gout and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) may now be added to its ever-expanding list of uses. But when did it become essential in the home? Baking soda, it turns out, has […]