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Flax Seed Supports Healthy Uric Acid In Gout Patients?

Flaxseed consumption goes back all the way to Babylonian times in 3000 BC and is extremely rich in essential fatty acids or EFAs. Flaxseed also called linseed, was also used to produce linen in ancient Egypt and it was only until the 19th century that cotton overtook flax as the most common plant used for the production of linen paper.

The oil that comes from flax is called linseed oil and is used as a drying oil in paints and varnish. King Charlemagne of France was a big believer in the health benefits of flaxseed that he passed a law requiring the people to consume it! In North America, flax was first introduced by the Puritans and Canada is the biggest flax producer in the world. Flaxseed has grown in popularity in the past few years, The Flax Council estimates close to 300 new flax-based products were launched in North America in 2010 alone!

Flax seeds have been used in Austrian medicine for the treatment of many disorders of the respiratory tract, eyes, cold, flu, infections, arthritis and gout! Flax seeds also contain lignans (phytoestrogens) which has plant estrogen as well as antioxidants when in its whole form. Lignans fight the effects of bacteria, fungus and may protect the intestinal walls which helps with arthritis. Flax contains up to 800 times more lignans than other plant foods! There is plenty of research that all fatty acids may help relieve symptoms of arthritis but no studies have been done as of yet with gout patients.

Two studies conclude that flax seed controls uric acid levels

One study titled: “Impact of dietary flaxseed (linum usitatissimum) supplementation on biochemical profile in healthy rats” compared flaxseed to soybean oil supplement to taking no supplementation, to see if uric acid levels would lower in rats. After 180 days, uric acid levels decreased by a whopping 34% in the rat group consuming the flaxseed supplement and 44% less than soybean oil supplement compared to taking no supplement at all. In another study done again on rats titled: “Protective effect of flaxseed oil and vitamin E on potassium Bromate-induced oxidative stress in male rats”, rats who consumed flaxseed oil had decidedly much lower uric acid levels.

Our bodies can’t manufacture essential fatty acids and our bodies need them to function properly, working throughout our bodies to protect cell membranes by keeping them efficient letting healthy substances in while excluding damaging ones. There are many gout sufferers who have stated that they have found relief from a gout attack by consuming flaxseed oil. It reduces inflammation in the joints and can also be used topically by rubbing the inflamed or swollen area of the skin with flaxseed oil.

NutriGout Dietary Supplement for Gout


Flaxseed may also help to lower cholesterol, control high blood pressure, may help protect against heart disease, control constipation, may help heal haemorrhoids, may help prevent painful gallstones and dissolving existing ones, it promotes healthy hair and nails, may treat acne, eczema, may reduce cancer risk, may treat menopausal symptoms, infertility and male impotence! Make sure to include any form of flax in your daily diet, it is a must for the gout sufferer.

Flaxseed’s oil is very high in Omega -3 fatty acids and levels vary from the types and colors of the flax seed, usually in a yellow or brownish color. Just one teaspoon contains about 2.5 grams, the equivalent of more than twice the amount most people get through their diets!

Flaxseeds also provide you with calcium, magnesium and potassium, all of which are needed in any gout diet. Flaxseeds also have omega-6 fatty acids in the form of linoleic acid. Flaxseed oil only contains alpha-linolenic acid (Omega 3 oils), and not the fiber or lignan components. Flaxseed is also good for gout sufferers that can’t eat any fish which is on the higher end in the purines scale since it may trigger gout attacks for them.

How to consume flax

I suggest you don’t consume more than 1 to 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed a day, you can buy it ground and grind it yourself with those electric coffee grinders. When flaxseed is eaten whole it passes through your intestinal tract undigested, if not properly chewed and you’ll miss out on many healthful nutrients.

You can find it in any store nowadays and on the internet. You can add flaxseeds on your oatmeal, smoothies, salads or yogurt, I personally sprinkle 2 teaspoons on my whole wheat bread spread with natural peanut butter as a common breakfast meal in my diet. Don’t forget to add it to your baking in breads, muffins, rolls, bagels and pancakes.

Best way to store ground flaxseeds is in the freezer in an airtight container keeping it from oxidizing and losing its nutritional efficacy. Whole flaxseed should be kept in a dark, cool place at room temperature until you grind it since the shell keeps the fatty acids inside well protected. Many experts believe it’s best to consume flaxseed rather than flaxseed oil, which contains just part of the seed, so you get all the components but that is still debatable.

Make sure to not fry with flaxseed oil since it will oxidize very quickly and therefore will produce free radicals. Use the oil as a salad oil instead of olive oil or take one tablespoon daily. Check the nutrition label to assure the oil includes lignans since they are very strong antioxidants. You can also consume flaxseed oil in soft capsule gels. Make sure to talk to your doctor on how to best consume flax.

Flaxseed for gout treatments

Hyperuricemia has become a growing public health concern in recent years. Gout affects a substantial percentage of people with advanced chronic renal disease, and hyperuricemia can raise the risk of heart disease.

There’s tons of information on the internet about the next miracle ingredient for treating gout. Sometimes, it can be a little too much to take in. Needless to say, developing an understanding of the link between flaxseed and gout can get tricky.

So let’s break down some of the elements that help make flaxseed such a powerful agent for mitigating the risk of gout. Flaxseeds contain powerful active compounds like omega-3 fatty acids and manganese.

Omega-3 fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat. Although they are considered essential for building and maintaining a healthy body, they can’t be produced by your body. As a result, you must obtain them through your diet.

There are three main types of Omega-3 acids: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).

The first two types of omegas, EPA and DHA, are found in fish (salmon,  tuna, and herring) and other seafood. ALA, on the other hand, can be sourced through nuts and seeds like flaxseed, chia seeds, and walnuts.

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to the structure of every cell wall. They also serve as an energy source and aid in the proper functioning of your heart, lungs, blood vessels, and immune system.

Flaxseeds and omega-3 fatty acids

Flax is a crop that has been grown since ancient times and generates fibers that are used to make linen cloth. The plant’s seeds (also known as linseeds) are used as cow feed and provide excellent health and nutritional benefits when consumed regularly by people.

The use of flaxseed as an anti-inflammatory agent has been documented throughout history for centuries. Flaxseed shows reliable efficacy in the treatment of conditions such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and (yes!) gout.

Flaxseeds for gout

When used for gout treatments, flaxseeds are typically consumed either in powdered form or as flaxseed oil. Both forms of flaxseed are classified as vegetable-based fats, aka healthy fats.

When it comes to consumption of flaxseed, there are many options and you can get as creative as you want. For example, you can add a teaspoon of grounded flaxseed to your hot or cold cereal. But you can also add grounded flaxseed powder to your mayo or ketchup when making a sandwich.

As an oil, flaxseed is remarkably versatile. You can sprinkle some flaxseed oil on your salad or use it for your dips and sauces. The options don’t end there however, go ahead and add some flaxseed oil in your smoothies or shakes for your great-tasting and healthy enjoyment.

Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)

Flaxseeds as well as avocados, olives, coconut oil, and olive oil are rich in ALA-type omega-3 fatty acids. Flaxseed oil, in particular, has a higher ALA content count than does grounded flaxseed. When consumed, ALA is converted into DHA and EPA.

Lignans are unique compounds found in flax plants that convert to plant estrogen in the digestive tract. Lignans are a crucial anti-inflammatory component of flaxseed, although they are typically lost in flaxseed oil during processing.

Lignans can only be absorbed by the body if they are consumed in the form of ground flaxseed or flaxseed meal.

Fish and omega-3

Current gout management guidelines, which are based in part on epidemiologic data for the development of incident gout, recommend limiting intake of purine-rich fish. These can include codfish, halibut, anchovies, and others.

Fatty fish like salmon, trout, and sardines, on the other hand, contain crucial types of omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) which are known to contain multiple anti-inflammatory benefits.

EPA and DHA-type acids are beneficial for treating conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, tender joint counts, and morning stiffness. In addition, omega-3 also helps to reduce dependency on NSAID consumption.

Interestingly enough, fish like salmon and trout, who as we just mentioned contain omega-3 acids also contain moderate amounts of purine. However, studies show that their overall health benefits outweigh the risks for people with gout.


Flax seeds have a protective covering that protects your digestive system. As a result, they must be ground in order for their nutrients to be released.

You may either crush the seeds yourself or buy ground flaxseed (also known as flax meal) in the cereal section of your supermarket. In addition, flax meals are high in magnesium, manganese, fiber, thiamin, and selenium. All that nourishment, plus it also tastes great!

When taken as a supplement, magnesium can help improve your blood flow by enabling your heart to beat at a regular pace. The improved blood flow helps reduce the risk that uric acid will crystalize in your joints.

Instead the smooth blood flow will ensure that the acid keeps moving along until it gets expelled out of the body through natural processes.

Additional benefits of flaxseeds

  1. Lose weight:
    Flaxseeds have a low calorie count, as well as a high fiber and protein content, which is beneficial when trying to lose weight.

There is also evidence that those who consume more flaxseeds have a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers.


  1. Remove wrinkles:
    Flax seeds contain a lot of antioxidants, which can help with skin problems. Flaxseed seeds contain phytochemicals, which are thought to be effective in removing wrinkles from the skin. These can assist in reducing the signs of aging.
  2. Helps fight diabetes:
    Flaxseed contains a high concentration of the element lignan, which is a type of cellulose. It allows you to easily control your blood sugar levels by consuming it. Consuming flaxseed on a daily basis can be beneficial to your health.
  3. Promotes healthy heart function:
    Linseed is also thought to be beneficial to heart health. Flaxseed contains a high concentration of omega 3 fatty acids, which have been shown to be effective in lowering cholesterol levels in the arteries of the heart.


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