Gicht und Fast Food

Gicht und Fast Food

How Fast Food Affects your Gout We all know it’s bad for us but hey when we are super busy or in a rush from time to time, or it’s 3am and no other restaurants are open in town, sometimes you may have no choice but to settle for some fast food cause you do […]

Gicht bei Kindern und Teenagern

Gicht bei Kindern und Teenagern

Can Children Get Gout? When we think of gout, we think of older people suffering from the disease and not really children or teenagers but the truth is, that gout affects them also. Fortunately, gout in children is uncommon but it can affect anybody from the age of 12 and over. Although gout in children […]

Gicht und Cholesterin

Gicht und Cholesterin

What is the connection between Gout and Cholesterol? In this post we will examine the relationship between gout and cholesterol. Cholesterol is one of the many fats in your blood that your body utilizes to make cell membranes, hormones, vitamin D and makes up digestive bile acids in the intestine. Cholesterol is an essential substance […]

Gicht Auslöser

Gicht Auslöser

Common Gout Triggers When suffering from gout you need to take note of the list of potential gout triggers. You should know gout triggers by heart; trigger foods as well as other gout triggers. When it comes to foods that can trigger a gout attack, you need to avoid certain foods that are high in […]

Gicht und Ihre Leber

Ihre Leber und Gicht

The connection between gout and your liver In this post we will examine the importance of your liver as it relates to your gout. Your liver plays a critical role in metabolizing your uric acid before your kidneys can pass it out of your body and through the urine. If either your liver or kidneys […]

Gicht und Metabolisches Syndrom

Zusammenhang zwischen Gicht und Metabolischem Syndrom

The Link between Gout and Metabolic Syndrome Metabolic syndrome is quite common and the numbers are growing not only in North America but worldwide. An estimated 50 million Americans or 1 out of 6 have a form of metabolic syndrome and 40% of people aged 60 and over are affected by it. Metabolic syndrome is […]

Gicht und Blei

Blei und Gicht

Can exposure to heavy metal toxins lead to gout? Humans have been mining and using lead which is a heavy metal toxin for thousands of years now. Lead is first thought to be mined around 6500 BC in Anatolia which is modern day Turkey. It is also considered the oldest environmental hazard and one of […]

Gicht und junge Menschen

Junge Menschen und Gicht

Are you in your 20s or 30s and suffer from gout? Couple of articles caught my attention last week and this is important information for gout sufferers everywhere! Surprise, surprise, surprise! Gout is on the rise and doctors in hospitals across the UK are now saying that they are seeing a sharp rise of gout […]

Gicht und die Singapore Chinese Health Study

Gicht in Asien

Animal Protein Intake Ups Gout Risk in Chinese Patients A recent population based-study coming out of Singapore where they examined the long term data from the Singapore Chinese Health Study examined the link between protein intake and its sources in 63,257 Chinese adults suffering from gout ages 45 to 74. The researchers interviewed and provided […]

Wie lange dauert ein Gichtanfall?


Gout Attacks If you are a new gout sufferer and just landed on this page, you probably are searching to find out how long a gout attack lasts. Whereas we veteran gout sufferers know all too well that gout attacks and gout pain may last from days to weeks depending on how serious it is. […]
